Valentine's Day weekend is upon us and we thought it would be helpful to provide a roundup of Valentine's Day themed content, activities, and events all in one spot for easy browsing. Enjoy! TIP: A simple search in the top menu of our website for "Valentine's Day" will filter our articles and calendar for easy browsing of Valentine's Day fun! Below are just some highlights!
❤️ Valentine's Day Themed Local Events
💖 Valentine's Workshop @ The Giggling Pig (Feb. 7)
❤️ Candle-Making Workshop @ Danbury Library (Feb. 8)
🎨 ❤️ Valentine Heart Finger Painting @ Danbury Library (Feb. 8)
❤️ Love Day Ceramic Heart Trinket Box @ The Giggling Pig (Feb. 8)
❤️ Sweetheart Ball @ Newtown Community Center (Feb. 9)
🧑🏽🍳 In the Kitchen: Valentine's Day Treats @ New Pond Farm (Feb. 10)
❤️ 🦋 Butterfly Painted Rocks @ Michael's (Feb. 10)
❤️ Sweetheart Ball - Stepping Stones, Norwalk (Feb. 10)
🧑🏽🍳 Seasonal Baking: Valentine's Day Treats @ New Pond Farm (Feb. 11)
❤️ Valentine Workshop - Ridgefield Library (Feb. 12)
🧁 ❤️ Valentine's Day Cupcake Workshop @ Stew Leonard's
💌 Make a Valentine - Ridgefield Library (Feb. 13)
❤️ Celebration Ideas, Fun and Games
My Punny Valentine: 100 Perfect Puns for Valentine's Day
A Romantic Night In: Valentine's Day at Home
❤️ Recipes!
Easy Cookies for Valentine's Day
Say I Love You With This Easy Valentine's Day Breakfast
❤️ DIY Crafts/Gifts
DIY Fingerprint Heart Art For Kids 'Tis the season for hearts!
Stick With Us: This DIY Garden Stake Makes a Great Valentine's Gift
How to Make a Homemade Crayon Heart Valentine
❤️ Printables!
Click any image below to open it in a new window and print!