Did you know?
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) at RVNAhealth is a FREE and voluntary nurse home visiting program that pairs first-time pregnant people with their own personal nurse from pregnancy through their child’s second birthday.
Who is eligible? People who are pregnant with their first baby, 28 weeks pregnant or less, lives in the NFP service area (Greater Danbury/Waterbury and everywhere in between), and meets income criteria. Typically, if a person is eligible for SNAP / WIC / Husky, they would be eligible for NFP. It is also available for anyone under 18, regardless of insurance.
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About Nurse-Family Partnership
Nurse-Family Partnership is a free program for new moms who are pregnant with their first baby. When you enroll in the program, you will be connected to a registered nurse who will provide the support, advice and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and be a great mom. Once your baby arrives, your NFP nurse will work with you on breastfeeding, nutrition, child development, safe-sleep techniques, and much more. Your free personal nurse can help answer all your questions!
Additional information can be found at ctnfp.org. To refer yourself or someone else, call/text: 860-488-5067 or email nursefamilypartnership@rvnahealth.org
Nurse-Family Partnership at RVNAhealth is funded by the CT Office of Early Childhood.