You are invited to participate in a fun town-wide event! Teams will make their own scarescrow that will be placed in one of many locations throughout Ridgefield. During the Fall in Love With Ridgefield weekend Friday, October 18 to Sunday, October 20, people are invited to search for the scarecrows and vote for their favorites in two ways: (1) by visiting each scarecrow and placing a vote in a ballot box, and (2) by going to the Keeler Tavern Museum’s Facebook page and “Liking” their favorite scarecrow. A prize will be awarded to each winner (prizes sponsored by Keeler Tavern Museum and Downtown Ridgefield.) The winner with the most ballot votes will be announced on Monday, October 21, and the winner with the most Facebook Likes will be announced on October 31.
To enter a scarecrow, please follow these steps:
1. Pick-up your wooden scarecrow frame starting October 1. The cost is $20; all proceeds to benefit the Keeler Tavern Museum. Decorate your scarecrow. Make it traditional, funny, historical, or whatever you choose using the wooden frame. See, for example, for how to construct a basic scarecrow. Please do not put anything of value on your scarecrow since it will be displayed in public.
2. Return your completed scarecrow to the Museum by Thursday, October 17, placement in town. Fill out an entry form with your contact information. We will also post a picture of your scarecrow on our Facebook page.
3. “Friend” us on Facebook and invite your family and friends both near and far to “like” your scarecrow. Remember, the scarecrow with the most Likes by Thursday, October 31, wins a prize!
4. Better yet, join us for Fall in Love with Ridgefield on October 18 – 20 to search for all of the wonderful scarecrows made by families and organizations like yours, and vote on your favorite by ballot. The scarecrow with the most ballot votes by Monday, October 21, wins another prize!
For questions, please contact Hilary Micalizzi at 203-748-1235 or the Keeler Tavern Museum during office hours, Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM, or visit